My book…at long last

For any reader of this blog the labyrinthine process of my book and before it my Ph.D. research are likely known. I am sorry if I have bored you and do not intend making this a long post. Both of them are now in the public domain and both have links on their respective sites.

Please check for the doctoral research announcement here.

And here (at last) my book, though I cannot but share its cover with you who see this post

This cover, chosen by me, depicts structures and insurmountable barriers that have been created on the path of anyone who seeks to recover from mental health issues! No the cover is not sad, the reality it depicts is sad.

But I do not want anyone to think that just because there are these huge barriers, which are so invisible, that it is not easy to even recognize them- people do not recover. There are people who recover all the time and that is the beauty about this book. It not only talks about barriers but also about those who develop a capacity to circumvent or overcome these barriers. Great going for those with that much agency.

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