A colossal cacophony

Here is another of my blogs, this dedicated to the subject of peace, in which I would be writing on every aspect of peace, from interpersonal to inner conflicts. I shall be writing about all conflicts that are an outcome of any sort of human interaction, for every conflict, whether within a person or within a group, community, country or between countries, ultimately impacts humans and life on the planet. My attempt is to understand that and create possibilities for conflict to transform into collaborative action

peace matters

Dialogues for peace or about peace are not outcomes of an idle mind, that is inundated by ideas about how to market another new commodity or service in the name of peace. This blog is the distillation of years of my study in diverse areas. Those areas were and are as far removed from one another as International politics, human suffering, medical care, role of language, conflict management, philosophy of art, and education.

There is one lacuna that always glared in my face whatever I did- the lack of communications about peace, except for random thoughts of people whose opinions were published. The only other set of people in whose writing I regularly encountered peace and its centrality were the Buddhists. Among them the one I am most attracted toward is Thich Naht Hahn, for his stories, interpretations and communications are most direct, simple and easy to follow. Dalai Lama…

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